So today is supposed to be a day of testing for Elijah. Mainly an ultrasound. They'll try to get a good look inside and see what is going on. They'll also try using the catheter to fill and empty his bladder I believe this is to see if it stimulates any spontaneous contractions. The urologist didn't hold out high hopes for this, but it's a step he has to try in order to keep moving forward.
I slept fitfully last night, kept spinning my brain trying to figure out how to get him in front of the nuerologist. Praying that a door will open. Anyone have intimate connections with a pediatric nuerosurgeon? I'm not certain that it is nuerosurgical - but I'd like an MRI scheduled to rule it out. So at least we know. The first time we went through this, no one thought it was a tethered cord, it was discovered by accident. But that accident (miracle) saved Elijah's life.
On Monday, Dr. Wehby's (neurosurgeon that performed original tethered cord surgery) office started the day saying she couldn't fit me in for six months, then later in the day decided to work us in on August 19th, but said they didn't think it was nuerosurgical - that the type of tethered cord that Elijah had Never Re-tethers. This is confusing, since right after his first surgery, they told us that we would need to do an MRI every 12 months to watch for re-tethering. And it is these inconsistencies that have me wondering if we are missing something that could give us the answers.
Thanks for your prayers - they are appreciated.
Oh and I want to be sure to give credit to Visual Empathy for the bottom photo above - thanks Kristina!
Praying for little Elijah:) I enjoyed reading your blog!