It's been a busy day and I can't sleep. Scott's mom had come to surprise us for a visit a few weeks ago on Micah's 6th birthday, stayed through Gideon's first birthday and just traveled home today. It was good to see her and we really appreciated all the help she gave us around the house and with the kids, but are ready to get back to our own routines too.
However, last night I woke up several times thinking of a new question for the doctors. I just can't help but feel for E and what he will go through over the next few months - even if ultimately it's for his own good - it's hard to reason that with a four year old. Now tonight I'm laying awake again thinking of the same things.
Pray for all of us. It's sure to be a stressful time. And pray for Elijah that he will stop hurting. We've started the bowel cleanout regimen and it's working, but he is still in pain - albeit less often. He tends to revert to babytalk and behavior when he is hurting, and we have to draw a hard line to not allow this.
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