Sunday, October 13, 2013

An Answer - Just Not the One We Were Hoping For...

On Thursday, 10/10/13, we finally got the call we had been waiting for - the test results from the CGH done in San Francisco were in. It has been confirmed that Gideon does have melanoma. Deep breath.

Let me back up and fill you in a bit from my last post when we THOUGHT that the Vancouver Clinic was running this test. They fumbled and called saying they couldn't do it. They asked Seattle to do it, they refused (because the doctor up there decided this was benign and wasn't willing to order the test.) It got bumped back to Vancouver Clinc who tried and failed to get it done. Three. Times. Then on September 12th, I picked up the phone on a long shot and called San Francisco myself. I spoke with Sherry. Sherry said if I wanted the test, she would make sure it got down. Right Away! And she did!! She even updated me about once a week while we were waiting.

Then, this week on Monday, she said they had the results, but couldn't share them. I asked her about it and she said that I'd want the doctor to go over them in person. I told her that of course I assumed the worst when she said that and could she just give me an idea. She said "You'll want to call your doctor." So I did. Every morning and afternoon on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Wednesday, I was told, they had received the fax, but the doctor hadn't read it yet and the medical assistant was "on it." On Thursday, they finally called me and asked me to come into the office. I forced the doctor to just tell me. Then I went into the office. Within 24 hours, St. Jude had a flight to bring us there and a room for us to stay. We leave Monday and were told to prepare to be there for at least 2 weeks for the initial visit.

Since then, it has been a complete whirlwind of activity. Packing, planning, organizing. Friends have stepped in to care for the kids, provide meals and even offer to relieve Scott while I'm gone with Gideon. We are as ready as we can be. Pray for wisdom as we make decisions regarding Gideon's care, school for the other kids, and are apart as a family. Pray for Scott to be able to do well with the business and have patience and not feel too far away from his little man. Pray that Gideon and I would get rest and have endurance for what is certain to be more of a marathon than a sprint.

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